Women at risk: Why heart scans are important
Knowledge Center
Women at risk: Why bone density scans are important
WHAT IF…? How a HeartLung™ scan might have changed history!
Cardiologists Can Die of Heart Attacks, Too
"My heart scan showed that I had lung cancer"
"Type 1 diabetes means getting a heart scan in young adulthood"
"Menopause and Me"
"We’re siblings: Same family history, different scan results"
“I was thin on the outside, but fat on the inside”
“Smoking caused me to develop osteoporosis”
"A heart scan showed I was a heart attack waiting to happen"
“A short news story about a new heart test saved my life”
"I was a young nonsmoker…and I got lung cancer"
"I got my lung scan, but it was too late"
“As a Mexican woman with diabetes, I am at risk for heart disease”
“Being a firefighter increases my risk of heart disease and sudden cardiac death.”
"I thought I was too busy to take care of my type 2 diabetes"
"Our brother had a heart attack…now our risk for one is increased"