Get Tested. Live Longer.
If you are over 40, you are at risk.
Take preventive actions, don't delay!
Get Tested. Live Longer.
Experts recommend starting baseline health screenings at age 40. Understanding your current medical status can guide your lifestyle choices and affect future health outcomes. Even at 40, you may already be at risk for serious hidden conditions.
Hidden Heart Disease
About 1 in 4 Americans die of heart disease every year, one person every 37 seconds. Yet heart disease can be treated successfully when it’s diagnosed early. Less than 5% of people who can benefit from CAC scan are currently scanned.
Hidden Spinal Fractures
Over 2 million Americans will break bones this year, yet 80% aren’t tested for this disease. One in 2 women, and 1 in 4 men over age 50 will break a bone from osteoporosis. The only way to prevent fracture is to detect early.
Hidden Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the #2 killer in the U.S. More women die of lung cancer than breast cancer. Unless detected in its earliest stages, it is usually fatal because it spreads rapidly. Only 3% of lung cancer is currently detected in screening.
Hidden Fatty Liver
About 25% of Americans have excess fat stored in their livers, typically starting when people are in their 40s and 50s. There are no symptoms, so early diagnosis is important. Long COVID is linked to fatty liver disease.
If you are in your 40s, now is the time to start your preventive screening.
How can I use LiveLong app to get tested?
1. I have an existing Chest CT scan
Although a regular chest CT scan is not as accurate as a HeartLung™ scan, LiveLong App can use your scan to give you an assessment of your heart disease, lung cancer risk, bone density, and fatty liver.
2. I don’t have a CT scan and need to schedule one
You’re ready to begin. No hassles, no travel, no scheduling, no extra radiation.
Share the reports with your health provider
Share the reports with your health provider
Signup & download the app
Create a LiveLong account from your computer or phone; you decide!
Upload your images
Request your CT scan from your hospital
Upload CT scan images to your LiveLong app
Get report within 24 hr
Unlock, view, and download the reports you are interested in.
Schedule consultation with a LiveLong Health Coach
Schedule consultation with a LiveLong Health Coach
Get report within 24 hr
Unlock, view, and download the reports you are interested in.
Schedule your LiveLong™ scan
Find a LiveLong™ affiliated CT scan near you
Get a scan as 10 minutes in & out
Signup & download the app
Create an account and complete your profile
Enter insurance information
Our Livelong Health
App at your fingertips
You can easily access your patient report using our mobile app.
Simply download our app and complete your profile to register.
Schedule a LiveLong Scan using HeartLung's technology
Check in & out easily with your phone with no paper work
Access your results within 24 hours
Schedule a free consultation with your LiveLong Health Coach
Sign up for LiveLong Club membership and enjoy the benefits
1 Scan. 10 Actionable Reports
With LiveLong Scan™, you can get a comprehensive report on your cardiovascular, lungs, liver, and bone health in less than 5 minutes.
AutoBMD is available now
FDA Designated Breakthrough AI Technology. Pending Clearance for Patient Care
Bone Mineral Density Measurement Available for Patient Care
Cardiac Risk Assessment
Coming Soon!
AutoChamber + AutoBMD + AutoCAC = AI-CAC™
Thoracic Aorta Calcification & Size
Lung Cancer Nodule Detection
Thoracic Fat & Muscle Measurement
Emphysema Scoring & Monitoring
Fatty Liver Disease Detection
Hiatal Hernia and Esophageal Masses
Breast Density Measurement
Airways Size Measurement & Monitoring
The unlucky ones:
Sadly, they missed the early detection opportunity to save their life.
Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer at 56. He may have lived longer if he sought proper medical care in time.
The actor James Gandolfini died at age 51 of a heart attack while on vacation.
Carrie Fisher, best known as Princess Leia, died after a heart attack. She was 60.
Former President Lyndon B. Johnson died at 64. He suffered a heart attack at his ranch in Johnson City, Tex.